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What are the Different Forms of Breathwork?

When it comes to finding pain relief, there are many different paths that you can take. From medication to surgery, there are a variety of options available. However, one option that you may not have considered is breathwork.

Breathwork is any type of therapy that focuses on controlled breathing. There are many different forms of breathwork, each with its own unique benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore a few of the most popular types of breathwork so that you can decide if this pain relief method is right for you.


Pranayama is a form of breathwork that originates from yoga. The word "pranayama" comes from the Sanskrit words "prana," which means life force or energy, and "yama," which means control or restraint. Together, these words form the basis for pranayama breathwork: the control of life force energy through breath.

There are many different pranayama techniques, but they all share one common goal: to improve your overall health by regulating your breath. Benefits of pranayama include reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, and increased energy levels. If you're looking for a gentle introduction to breathwork, pranayama may be right for you.

Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic breathwork is a type of therapeutic breathing that was developed by psychiatrist Stanislav Grof in the 1970s. The word "holotropic" comes from the Greek words "holos," meaning whole, and "trepein," meaning to move or travel toward.

This name was chosen because the goal of holotropic breathwork is to access parts of the self that are normally out of reach—in other words, to move toward wholeness.

This type of breathwork involves taking deep, fast breaths while also making a sound, usually grunting or howling.

This combination of breath and sound allows practitioners to access a non-ordinary state of consciousness, which can provide insight into personal issues and help facilitate healing. Holotropic breathwork can be done solo or in groups, and it is often used in conjunction with other modalities such as art therapy or drumming.

During a holotropic breathwork session, you will breathe rapidly and deeply for an extended period of time (usually around 45 minutes). This hyperventilation will cause you to experience altered states of consciousness, which can lead to profound insights about yourself and your relationships with others.

Holotropic breathwork is not for everyone—it can be intense and overwhelming—but if you're looking for a deep dive into self-exploration, it may be worth considering.

Somatic Breathwork

Somatic Breathwork is a powerful and effective healing modality that uses the breath to help release trapped emotions and trauma from the body. This type of breathwork is also known as emotional release work or energy medicine.

The breath is a powerful tool for self-healing, and Somatic Breathwork can be used to address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and chronic pain. This type of breathwork can also be used as a tool for personal growth and transformation.

Somatic Breathwork is based on the belief that the body is capable of self-healing. When we breathe deeply and mindfully, we can access the wisdom of the body and tap into its natural healing ability.

The breath is also a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety. When we breathe deeply, we activate the relaxation response, which helps to counter the effects of the stress response.

Somatic Breathwork can be done solo or in a group setting. It is typically done lying down, but can also be done sitting or standing.

If you are interested in learning more about Somatic Breathwork, or if you are looking for a way to address a specific issue, consider giving us a call. Susan Dunn can help you tailor a breathwork practice that is right for you and your needs.

Rebirthing Breathwork

Rebirthing breathwork is a type of therapeutic breathing developed by Leonard Orr in the 1960s. The goal of rebirthing breathwork is to release traumas that are stored in the body's cellular memory.

These traumas can be from this lifetime or a previous lifetime, and they can manifest as physical or emotional pain. Through deep and intentional breathing, rebirthing breathwork helps to release these stored traumas, allowing the individual to heal on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

While rebirthing breathwork can be done alone, it is often more effective when done with a trained therapist like Susan Dunn, who can guide you through the process. Rebirthing breathwork is a powerful tool for healing, and it can provide relief from a wide range of conditions.

The practice involves lying down in a comfortable position and breathing continuously and deeply for an extended period of time (usually around 60 minutes). This continuous deep breathing helps to release trapped emotions and open up blocked energy channels in the body.

Rebirthing breathwork can be intense, but it can also lead to profound healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. This style of breathwork has been shown to improve mental clarity and focus, boost immunity, ease anxiety and depression, and promote overall well-being.

If you're looking to explore the depths of your breath and heal your whole being, rebirthing breathwork just might be the practice for you.

Breathwork is an increasingly popular method for finding pain relief—and with good reason! Breathwork has been shown to provide a wide range of benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, increased energy levels, and more.

If you're interested in exploring breathwork further, there are many different types to choose from—each with its own unique benefits. So what are you waiting for? Give breathwork a try today!

Proper breathing is essential for our overall health, yet many of us take shallow breaths or hold our breath without even realizing it. Breathwork can help us to relearn how to breathe correctly and deeply, which can lead to a host of benefits.

If you're looking for a natural way to reduce stress, improve your sleep, and increase your energy levels, breathwork may be just what you need. Give it a try today! Call us or send us a message and we can get you on the right path.

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